Villafranca del Bierzo

Curator: Miguel Ángel González
Scriptwriter: Sixto J. Castro
The Church of Santiago, known for its iconic Puerta del Perdón, houses an immersive audiovisual experience with a script focused on hospitality. Innovative techniques, unprecedented in religious heritage, transform the walls of this Romanesque temple into a 360° projection room.
The Collegiate Church of Santa María hosts a hundred works from all over the country, distributed in a Prelude called ‘Works of Mercy’ and four chapters that take the form of rooms:

Room 1

Littera Gesta.
It all starts with a story.

Room 3

Moralis Agere.
How should I act?

Room 2

Allegoria Credere.
What should I believe?

Room 4

Moralis Agere.
How should I act?