Santiago de Compostela

Curators and Scriptwriters:
Daniel C. Lorenzo y Ramón Yzquierdo.
The crypt of the Portico of Glory in the Cathedral of Santiago and the monastery of San Martín Pinario house around 170 works from the dioceses of Galicia and Castile and León as well as from national and regional museums, galleries, and private collections. Pieces from Portugal, France, and the Cathedrals of the French Way of Saint James and the Silver Way complete the carefully selected pieces.
All are part of the 9 areas described in the narrative:

Area 1

Santiago apóstol y peregrino

Area 2

El peregrinaje y la hospitalidad en el mundo cristiano

Area 3

Una catedral para los peregrinos

Area 4

Santos peregrinos

Area 5

Los peregrinos a Compostela

Area 6

Hospitales, hospitaleros y devociones en la acogida al peregrino

Area 7

La labor de las órdenes religiosas y militares

Area 8

Las catedrales del Camino

Area 9

A path of welcome and solidarity: the grace of the encounter